Group 987@2x.png

No Backup Plan

A lot of people were confused when I announced I was going to be launching a second channel.

“Why?” was a question that I got a lot.

The truth is, I needed to create a space for myself where I could freely experiment, where I could try new things and just see what happens. The standards that I’ve created for myself in much of my work have often felt crippling and this was a way to circumvent that.

And it worked.



This is a space that I’ve created for myself to not worry about the normal restrictions that I feel constrained by. I’m not worrying about if the video is too long/short or if people are going to like this.

If I like it, it’s good enough. Or even better: if I enjoy the process of making it, isn’t that all that matters?


Inspiration works in weird ways

The funny thing is that these little creative experiments always end up bleeding into how I approach my other work, the more “serious” work: I have so much fun, and I like the final result so much that I end up sticking with it.

“No Backup Plan” is the name that I arrived for this project because having a backup plan is an illusion.

That’s not actually how life works – our plan B’s usually turn into our plan A’s. I'd rather go all-in on the things that I do than try playing it safe.