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Free Resources if you Sign Up to My Newsletter

As a little bonus for signing up to my newsletter, I wanted to send you a few free resources, including a free guide for mental clarity as well as language learning resources my team and I have built, based off of my own language learning escapades.

All you need to do is sign up and we will send over the resources via email.


Free Language Resources

My team and I created language learning resources directly available in French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The majority of what we created can also be easily adapted to whatever language you are learning outside of those 4. These resources contain:

  1. Spreadsheets of top vocabulary that I personally created and referenced in my Portuguese series.

  2. Audio files to learn/practice correct pronunciation.

  3. A playlist of music in each of the 4 languages mentioned above.

  4. Resources for grammar.

  5. Podcast and movie suggestions.

  6. My handwritten notes.


Free Mental Clarity Routine Builder

This is another resource developed for my team that can act as a template to help you build a routine that works for you.